- Northside Preschool
- Welcome
Phone: (434) 773-8301
Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Athena Runyon
Welcome to Northside Preschool!! My name is Mrs. Runyon and I am an Early Childhood Special Education, I am also happy to have Ms. Nibblett as our Instructional Paraprofessional in our classroom. We will be working together with Ms. Bratton and Ms. Gunn is an Inclusion Preschool Classroom. We will have many great adventures and learning experiences this year. We are so excited to have your child in class with us! We want to make this an interesting, fun, safe, and engaging year for your child to thrive learn and grow. Below are some important things to remember so we can have a successful school year.
Attendance is very important at Preschool. Please let me know if your child is going to be absent. The school will call home each day your child is absent.
Morning Arrival
The school is open at 8:15am each day. I will be there to get your child out of the car or off the bus. After 8:35 am, you must bring your child in the office to get a tardy slip.
Afternoon Dismissal
Car riders dissmissal starts at 3:00pm
If your child rides a bus home and there is no one there to get him/her off the bus, the bus driver will bring your child back to school. You will be required to come pick them up.
Please follow the health guidelines in the Northside Handbook when sending your child to school. If your child has any of the symptoms listed, please keep them home for the day. The nurse will also call home if your child shows any of these symptoms at school.
Send a standard size backpack to school each day. The backpack needs to be able to hold a regular size folder, towel, and possibly a change of clothes. Remember to check backpacks daily. Every Monday, a folder will be sent home with your child’s work and other important information. Please review the information in your child’s folder each week and return the folder on Tuesday. Towels will be sent home on Friday to be washed. Please return them on Monday. Make sure your child’s name is written in marker on their towel so they won’t get mixed up or lost.
Students should wear clothes that are practical for school. If your child has an accident or spills on their clothes and needs to use their change of clothing, please send in another set of clothing the following day.
Breakfast and Lunch
Free breakfast and lunch are offered daily to all students.
Parent/Teacher Communication
Communication between parents and teacher is essential for student success. We will use the Application of Talking points. Please let me know any questions or concerns that you have throughout the year. You can always call the school at 773-8301 or email me at arunyon@mail.dps.k12.va.us