Dedicated To Excellence
Phone Call Announcements
Park Avenue's ClassDojo Messages
Park Avenue's Students of the Week
2023-2024 Homework Guidance
Spirit Day: Hispanic Heritage Day - Wear red and/or green
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM Hispanic Heritage Night/Reading
Parent Conferences/Fact Fluency
11:40 AM - 11:40 AM 11:40 AM: Early Dismissal
No School for Students: Teacher Workday
K-5 Quarter 1 Honors Ceremonies/Fact Fluency
Spirit Day: Grade Level Color Day (K = Red, 1st = Orange, 2nd = Yellow, 3rd = Green, 4th = Blue, 5t
Red Ribbon Spirit Week 🚫
Wear all Red Day
Twin Day
Crazy Hair and Sock Day